This course can be taken after completing the PADI Open Water Diver certification. It's titled PADI Advanced Open Water Diver because it advances your diving knowledge & skills.
Description 描述
The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver is designed to improve your underwater knowledge and skills. You can enroll immediately after earning your PADI Open Water Diver certification regardless of your skill level. The course helps you build confidence in navigation, fine-tune buoyancy skills and introduces you to different diving activities such as wreck diving, night diving or underwater imaging. After completing your courses, you’ll make five Adventure Dives: a deep dive (beyond 18m/60F), a navigation dive, and three additional Adventure Dives of your choice to earn your certification.
PADI高级开放水域(AOW)潜水课帮助提高您的潜水技能。该课程中您将学习导航,深潜和中性浮力的技术,并向您介绍其他类型的专长潜水:沉船探险,夜间潜水或水下摄影。 完成课程后,您将进行五次专长潜水:深潜(超过18m / 60F),一次导航潜水以及您自己选择的另外三种潜水来获得认证。
Academic 学术
You’ll plan your learning path with your instructor by choosing from a long list of Adventure Dives. There are two required dives – Deep and Underwater Navigation – and you choose the other three, for a total of five dives.
During the Deep Adventure Dive, you learn how to plan dives to deal with the physiological effects and challenges of deeper scuba diving. The Underwater Navigation Adventure Dive refines your compass navigation skills and helps you better navigate using kick-cycles, visual landmarks and time.
The other knowledge and skills you get vary with your interest and the adventures you have – photography, buoyancy control, fish identification, exploring wrecks and many more.
You may be able to get college credit for the Advanced Open Water Diver course.
To pass this course, you will need to do 5 Specialty Dives in the ocean within two Ocean Trips. (Boat fee not included)
在“深度潜水”期间,您将学习如何计划以应对更深的水肺潜水对生理的影响和挑战。 水下导航冒险潜水可提高您的指南针导航技能,并帮助您更好的使用脚踏车,视觉地标和计划时间。
要成功获得AOW潜水等级认证,您需要在两次出海中进行5次考试潜水。 (不包括船费)
Available Languages 课程提供语言
Mandarin and English
Equipment 装备
Beyond using basic scuba equipment, you’ll need a compass and dive knife or dive tool. You’ll also use specialized gear depending on the Adventure Dives you choose. Your Ocean One Instructor will explain the equipment that you need and may suggest additional gear, such as dive light for night diving or lift bag for search and recovery diving.
Come visit us at the Ocean One Scuba center to learn more about the gear you will need to start your adventures in the Advanced Open Water Diver course.
Getting Started 开始
Sign up for the Ocean One Scuba Center's Advanced Open Water Course to get started immediately. Call us now (626) 922-5000 or stop by the shop to get started!
Once enrolled in the course, you will get your Advanced Open Water Diver manual and start learning! In this entire progress, you will study at your own pace through an easy to use, interactive program. Your Ocean One Instructor will meet with you to schedule knowledge review sessions along with your specialty dives.
注册Ocean One Scuba Center的高级开放水域课程,即可立即开始。您可以致电(626) 922-5000,或来店里咨询开课!
一旦注册该课程,您将获得高级开放水域潜水员手册并开始学习! 在这整个过程中,您将完全按照自己的进度与教练一起进行学习。 您的潜水教练将与您会面,安排知识复习课程以及您的专业潜水。