PADI Enriched Air "Nitrox" Diver Course

PADI Enriched Air "Nitrox" Diver Course

Regular price $150.00
999 in stock

The most popular PADI specialty course. Scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives.

Description 描述

The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty scuba course. Why? Because scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives. If staying down longer and getting back in the water sooner sounds appealing, then don’t hesitate to become an enriched air diver.

If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 12 years old, you can enroll in the Enriched Air Diver Specialty course. Note that in some regions the minimum age is older than 12.

如果您是12岁以上的PADI(少年)开放水域潜水员,则可以注册“ Enriched Air Diver专业课程”。 请注意,在某些地区,最低年龄高于12岁。

Academic 学术

You’ll learn why diving with air that has higher oxygen and lower nitrogen content gives you more bottom time, along with enriched air equipment considerations. During a practical session, and two optional (or required) scuba dives, you’ll:

  • Discuss managing oxygen exposure.
  • Practice analyzing oxygen content in your scuba tank.
  • Set your dive computer for diving with enriched air nitrox.

You may be able to get college credit for the PADI Enriched Air Diver course – ask your instructor to learn more.


  • 学习高氧气体管理。
  • 练习分析您水肺气瓶的氧气含量。
  • 将您的潜水电脑设置为高氧空气潜水模式。



Equipment 设备

Most modern scuba equipment and dive computers can be used with enriched air, but your Ocean One Scuba Instructor will let you know if your gear meets manufacturer recommendations and local requirements. However, scuba tanks must meet oxygen service standards and be dedicated for use with enriched air. You’ll practice using oxygen analyzers and special cylinder decals. Our Ocean One staff will explain other equipment you may need to enjoy enriched air diving.

大多数水肺潜水设备和潜水电脑可以和高氧空气一起使用,但是您教练会告知您的装备是否符合出厂标准和当地的要求。但是,水肺气瓶必须符合供氧标准,并且适用于高氧空气潜水。您会练习使用氧气分析器和专门的气瓶贴纸。Ocean One Scuba Center的教练或员工会向您介绍高氧空气潜水中可能需要的其他装备,以便使您更好的享受潜水乐趣。

Getting Started 开始

Call us at (626) 922-5000 or stop by Ocean One Scuba Center to get your materials and start learning. You will get the Enriched Air Diver Manual and watch the Enriched Air Diving video after purchased this course. Your instructor will meet with you to schedule knowledge review sessions.

请致电(626)922-5000,或来我们店面获取材料并开始学习。 购买此课程后,您将获得《高氧潜水员手册》,并观看《高氧潜水员》视频。您的教练将与您安排上课及复习课程。